Online Gestalt Personal Develpoment and Supervision Group for Organisation Consultants/Coaches in Berlin and Brighton

OD Consultants and Coaches often feel left alone and isolated when they work on their own. They need a stable and trusted community that provides a safe place to work on their professional practice, personal issues and offers support when working with difficult cases and clients.

To address this need, we started an ongoing Gestalt Group to build a learning community and establish a personal development and supervision group with the aim to meet regularly twice per year alternating between Germany (Berlin) and the UK (Brighton).

Alongside the core themes of Gestalt in OD:

  • Raising Awareness
  • Making Meaning
  • Enabling and Supporting Contact

we are particularly interested in “Truthfulness” and “Shame” and how these influence behaviour and functioning in an organisational


  • Good understanding of Gestalt and min 1 year experience in using the Gestalt approach
  • Willingness to fully participate in a group of peers and to take responsibility for oneself
  • Ability to support others and shared responsibility for group processes
  • Commitment to confidentiality
  • Membership will be for minimum 2 sessions, of which the first will be in the Germany (Berlin) and the second in the UK (Brighton)
  • Ability to cover costs of the retreats
  • Being able to understand and express yourself in English


TONY FRASER is a highly experienced Organisation Consultant and Executive Coach in the private, public and the not for profit sectors. Tony has designed and led organisational change, leadership and team development programs for some of the world’s most successful organisations. He is proficient in the gestalt approach with experience of over 40 years and is the co-author of ‘Gestalt for Managers’ and ‘The Management of Interpersonal Skills Training’.

CHRISTINA SCHUIERER is an organisational psychologist, Gestalt practitioner and supervisor with 30 years experience in working with individuals and teams in public, private and non-profit organisations worldwide. She teaches Gestalt in OD at the London Gestalt Centre and in MBA programmes at Dresden International University and leads the staff-care unit of Medecins sans Frontières/Ärzte ohne Grenzen in Germany.

Dates and Locations:  Friday 12 Apr – Sun 14 Apr 2024 (Berlin), Friday 04 Oct – Sun 06 Oct 2023 (Brighton)

Friday:           1800 – 2000
Saturday:      0930 – 1300 and 1400 – 1730
Sunday:        0930 – 1330

Participants                        Max 12 – 2 places available

Fee:                                        £765  (=900 €) per weekend  (excluding accommodation and meals)

Tony          Tel: ++44-7715-165182
Christina         Tel: +49-151-25334332